Apply for free exposure opportunity and raise your organization's visibility

This opportunity from Free Exposure includes indepth free video storytelling for four organizations who are selected. From Free Exposure webpage:

We select four non-profits, every year to tell their story free of charge. No hidden agenda, no hidden fees, just good old fashioned free.

We will raise the money to cover our hard costs. You will tell us what you are up to in the world, and we will put images and sound to your movement.

We believe that storytelling has the power to change culture for the better, and we plan to play a role.


Is there any closing date ?

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Hi @Mona - the website indicates a deadline of March 1st, select the “Apply” button at the top of the linked page for further information.


Thanks…my bad ! Actually, i scrolled down and clicked “APPLY NOW” which opened the application page on another window.

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@michaelotto this is great, when is the next window opening? We would love to benefit from this.

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I checked the link above and it says December 2021, so seems perfect timing to keep an eye out. :rocket:

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Very interested in this opportunity when is the next call for interest?