[Funding Opportunity] Dining for Women Grants

Dining for Women Grants

Grant Guidelines

Dining for Women is an educational giving circle: Our members meet monthly, learn about our featured and sustained grantees, and donate to DFW, allowing us collectively to support grassroots international organizations empowering women and girls living in extreme poverty. We fund projects that foster good health, education, and economic self-sufficiency in developing countries. We are devoted to educating and inspiring individuals to make a difference and fight global poverty through the power of collective giving.

Dining for Women selects a featured grantee each month and promotes it throughout the month at chapter meetings, through mailings, social media and online communications. Grantees are assigned to be featured in a specific month based on issue area and geography.

Dining for Women makes grants of $35,000-50,000 that may be disbursed in one distribution or which may be taken in up to two equal distributions spanning a period of two years.

Guiding Principles

  • To maximize the educational opportunities for DFW members, during the course of a year, DFW will strive to fund projects that address the varied issues, needs, and geography of women and girls
  • Projects funded will address one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Projects funded will create lasting change in the lives of the women and/or girls who are affected.
  • Projects provide solutions that have been identified by the women and/or girls being served and must actively include their perspectives.
  • Grantee must be able to demonstrate the direct impact of the project funded and demonstrate methods and ability to monitor and evaluate the project.
  • Grantees are sustainable organizations with multiple funding sources.

Requirements for Grantees

  1. Grantee must be a US 5.01(c)3 corporation or have a fiscal sponsor which is a US 5.01(c)3 corporation – A fiscal sponsor is a US non-profit organization that provides fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services to help build the capacity of charitable organizations that do not have a US 501c3 (non-profit) designation. An applicant that does not have a US 501c3 (non-profit) designation can submit an application to DFW with a fiscal sponsor if they have a verifiable present relationship with that fiscal sponsor that has been in existence for the past 12 months. The fiscal sponsor would need to satisfy all the DFW grant criteria. We do not accept registration documents issued by any other country.
  2. Grantee’s relationship with fiscal sponsor must be of at least twelve months’ standing.
  3. Grantee must demonstrate capacity and on the ground operations in countries with populations of greatest need for a minimum of three years.
  4. Grantee and/or fiscal sponsor must provide Form 990 or Form 990 EZ for the two most recent consecutive years demonstrating $100,000 in annual expenses. We do not accept 990-Ns or 990-PFs.
  5. Grantee must have minimum of operating expenses of $100,000 annually for the most recent fiscal year unless using a fiscal sponsor.
  6. At least half of the members of board of directors of the of the grantee organization must be women at time of application.
  7. Grantee must demonstrate fiscally responsible practices
  8. Grantee must provide data regarding the direct impact of the organization’s programs
  9. Grantee must provide evidence of its monitoring and evaluation practices.
  10. Grantee must have a website in English unless using a fiscal sponsor
  11. Grantee must be able provide a video clip at least 5 minutes in length about organization and the funded project upon being selected for a grant.
  12. Grantee must provide high resolution photographs upon being selected for a grant.

Grantees must

  1. Support women and girls living in extreme poverty in developing countries
  2. (defined as living on $1.90 a day or less)
  3. Address one or more of the following issues / needs:
  4. Education and vocational training
  5. Improved women and girls’ health: 1. Physical health 2. Emotional /Psychological Health 3. Maternal Health 4. Sexual and Reproductive Rights
  6. Economic empowerment
  7. Clean water, sanitation and healthy environment
  8. Improved food security, regenerative agriculture, and nutrition
  9. Human trafficking: prevention, rescue and reintegration
  10. Leadership training
  11. Advocacy for policies that promote gender equality, peace and security

Deadline: April 24 2020

*IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THE APRIL 2020 GRANT CYCLE: Due to the unpredictable nature of the current environment and the coronavirus pandemic, Dining for Women is temporarily reducing our Featured Grant sizes. The April 2020 Cycle is for grants to be awarded in the first half of 2021. For this period, we are accepting applications in the range of $25,000 to $35,000.


RACD is based in Uganda and we do not have any organization in US that we can affiliate to so please could you get us one to affiliate to so that to apply.thanks Or you can look another opportunity that does not require that.thank

Dear @benardbanturaki, these posts have the aim to keep Network members informed of potential funding opportunities. Please be aware that the Global Legal Empowerment Network team cannot provide direct assistance to apply or look for funding opportunities.

@martaalmela Just networking in case members including you I can be connected to supporters but thank you for advice