

I am a participant in the Legal Empowerment Leadership Course and program director at Pro Bono Net, a U.S.-based national nonprofit organization dedicated to developing innovative technology and forging collaborations to increase access to justice. Pro Bono Net's programs help legal advocates make a stronger impact, increase volunteer participation, and empower the public with legal resources and self-help tools. I joined Pro Bono Net in December 2004, working first as a LawHelp Circuit Rider, supporting partnerships in 25 states to provide individuals with limited means with innovative online tools to exercise their legal rights. Previously, I managed communications, development, and outreach initiatives at the
Maine Women’s Policy Center, focusing on legislation impacting women’s health, economic security, and freedom from violence. I received a self-tailored master’s degree in community informatics from the University of Michigan, and have served as a consultant to community information projects for the Digital Partners Social.
Enterprise Laboratory and the Alliance for Community Technology in Haiti and Chile.